Experience sampling technology for the innovative researcher.

A variety of question types and flexible scheduling options allow you to create a protocol that meets your specifications. Pilot and iterate in a matter of minutes.
phone in the hand of a participant as they respond to a LifeData session

Gather real-time, ecologically valid data

Variety of Question Types
Sliding scale, multiple choice, free text, Likert type ratings, image capture, consent and more. All responses are timestamped and geolocation reporting is standard.

Flexible Scheduling Options
Random and fixed schedules, question branching, triggering, and participant yoking enable you to create custom research protocols.

How Researchers are Using the LifeData Platform


Experience sampling is used to assess students’ body image in relation to their physical health, mood, thoughts, and behavior.


Kids use the LifeData platform to record concussion symptoms, physical and mental exertion so Dr. Weibe can monitor the relationship between exertion and recovery over time.


The LifeData platform is used to study the impact of workplace interventions on mental well-being, productivity, and physical health of office workers.

Published in Leading Journals

See more studies published by LifeData customers.

Data in a format that works for you.

Download your data to a .csv file for easy importing to any statistical program. Multiple data formats available for various types of analyses, including multilevel modeling. Observe data in real time on customizable dashboards.
Brown-haired woman smiling as she works on her laptop and build a study protocol on the LifeData web app.

A Highly Flexible Measurement Platform

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Native App

Use an iOS/Android app instead of texting.

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Notification & User-Initiated Questions

Flexible notification scheduling for in-the-moment experience sampling. User-initiated responding is also available.

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Gather Data On- or Offline

Notifications and data gathering does not require internet connection. Data automatically uploads when wifi or data connection resumes.

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Gather GPS coordinates with each user response.

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Monitor Response Rates

Mobile users and researchers can monitor participant response rates.

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In-App Consent Forms

Document GDPR acknowledgment and informed consent.

Want to Learn More?