Data-Driven Decision Making Powered by LifeData.
Reliable. Relevant. Real-Time.
What Can LifeData Do for You?

Learn from consumers in real-time. Whether you are testing new products or trying to gain insight into customer experience and preferences, the flexibility of the LifeData platform allows you to gather the data you need when you need it.
Improve productivity, employee wellbeing, customer satisfaction and other key performance indicators with quality data.
Opt for an enterprise subscription to run consulting or coaching research with multiple customers at a time and give them access to what they need all within one subscription.
Built with Features that
Businesses Need to Succeed.
Project stakeholders can track in-the-moment data as it streams in on easy to configure dashboards.
Easily generated QR codes and hyperlinks make onboarding of participants—either remotely or in-person— a simple, streamlined process.
Get the data you need throughout the day when you need it with fixed and randomized question delivery, triggered schedules, and user-initiated reporting.

Use Cases
Learn how researchers at German Sport University used LifeData’s mobile app platform to understand and increase workplace physical activity. Read More.
See how consultants used the LifeData system to help deliver and assess the impact of skills training for business leaders. Read More.
Check out how University of British Columbia researchers used LifeData to evaluate a novel workplace intervention. Read More.